Simple Steps To Building A Culture Of Cyber Awareness In Your Business

Cyber attacks are a constant threat in today’s digital world. From phishing emails, malware downloads, and data breaches, they can cripple your business and devastate personal lives.

Building a cyber awareness culture doesn’t require complex strategies or expensive training programmes. Here are some very simple steps you can take to make a difference within your organisation:

  • Start with leadership buy-in, the importance of building this culture needs to start from the top.
  • Make security awareness fun, not fearful. There are many Security Awareness Training tools out there to help deliver messaging in an engaging way.
  • When relaying your messaging, speak their language, keep it short and sweet.
  • Conduct phishing campaigns on a frequent basis.
  • Make reporting threats easy and to be encouraged.
  • Security champions: empower your employees.
  • Beyond work: remind staff that security spills over the working day.
  • Celebrate successes, inform all staff of reported threats, but more importantly when the success of raising the alarm has averted a potential disaster.
  • Leverage technology to help safeguard and protect your IT estate.



Phishing 2.0: How AI is Amplifying the Threat

29 July 2024

Phishing has always been a threat, but with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) threat actors now use AI to craft even more convincing messages and target specific individuals to improve their success rates of an attack.

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Understanding Autodesk Vault Purging

26 July 2024

With the release of Vault Professional 2025, users can now purge their files as part of a lifecycle, making this a more seamless process and part of a standard user workflow. However, purging has been available either per file and initiated by the user or on the entire vault initiated by a server administrator.

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