Dekati Relies on Sovelia Core for a Seamless and Smoother Flow of Information from Design to Production


Meet Dekati Ltd

They have been a world leader in designing and manufacturing innovative fine particle measurement solutions for 30 years. They provide measurement instruments and complete measurement solutions to various environments and sample conditions. Dekati's instruments and sensors have a global presence, with representatives in nearly 40 countries and a customer base spanning thousands worldwide.

Dekati's success lies in its product's quality, durability, and functionality across diverse measurement conditions. Achieving high-quality products necessitates smooth collaboration between design and production, ensuring everyone can access current information when needed. At Dekati, their skilled professionals uphold this seamless collaboration using Sovelia Core.

According to Ville Niemelä, who leads Dekati's R&D department, the necessity for digital product data monitoring arose from challenges in product data management. Before implementing the PLM solution, Dekati stored product information, design versions, and iterations on individual designers' machines or in hardcopy, necessitating considerable manual effort to produce and share materials for production.

Despite the relatively smooth collaboration between the design and production departments, Dekati recognised the need for process harmonization due to manual information management. The aim was to guarantee consistent access to the latest information necessary for production for all parties involved in the design and manufacturing of products.

Sovelia Core: A Clear-Cut Decision for Dekati

Ongoing discussions regarding a PLM system for centralised product information lifecycle management were ongoing within the company for months. However, a significant turning point arose with the arrival of a new production manager at Dekati. This individual envisioned implementing the PLM project and its associated objectives.

The most critical criteria for selecting a suitable PLM system for Dekati were smooth integration and support for the 3D design system. Ville Niemelä highlights that they chose Symetri's Sovelia Core thanks to its versatile features and the comprehensive support provided by Symetri.

Unlocking Time-Efficiency, Seamless Operations, and Enhanced Process Efficiency

Sovelia Core has significantly enhanced Dekati's product design management, fostering improved stakeholder collaboration and smoother business operations. Sovelia's search tools facilitate rapid and dependable retrieval of titles and documents. For instance, designers can now access all drawings and parts lists pertaining to the primary assembly with a single command, enabling greater efficiency in their workflow.

Now, crucial product documents are readily accessible, housed within a single location. Product designers can seamlessly track product status and titles, effortlessly marking them as design-ready or approved for production. Sovelia ensures adherence to the company's rigorous standards for document quality and consistency, permitting only current and approved parts lists and drawings to be transferred to production, thereby ensuring operational efficiency and adherence to quality standards.

"The satisfaction within our production is exceptional. There is no longer uncertainty regarding changes, particularly when launching new products. PLM removes uncertainty by ensuring that everyone, not just select individuals, can see which drawing is approved for production on-screen," highlights Ville Niemelä, R&D Director at Dekati.

PLM: Just the Start of Dekati's Modernization Journey

For Dekati, the adoption of Sovelia Core represents the first stride in modernizing their design and production processes. The company maintains a steadfast commitment to continuous internal optimization through digitization, with the overarching goal of saving time and bolstering data and project consistency across operations.

While acknowledging the substantial features of Sovelia Core, Dekati recognises that they have yet to fully leverage the untapped potential of Sovelia solutions. Discussions regarding the acquisition of Sovelia Core add-ons are underway, signalling their eagerness to explore further possibilities and maximise the benefits of the platform.

"I'm confident Sovelia Core's features are never-ending," asserts Ville Niemelä, R&D Director at Dekati.

The next challenge on Dekati's horizon involves integrating the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system into its PLM infrastructure to streamline the management of the entire product lifecycle, from meticulous process planning to seamless production and timely delivery.

Renowned for their quality and expertise in manufacturing solutions for the most demanding measurement conditions, Dekati remains steadfast in their pursuit to lead the industry. They recognise the significance of cutting-edge investments and strategic partnerships in nurturing this growth and expertise.

"The investment in the PLM system truly pays off. It's completely revolutionized how we manage production at Dekati, offering us unparalleled control and systematization. Plus, it gives us the confidence to proudly exhibit to our customers and partners the seamless flow and management of our business." Ville Niemelä, R&D Director, Dekati



  • The company did not have a uniform operating method for data processing.
  • There needed to be a unified storage location for materials.
  • Finding the correct information at the right time was a challenge.
  • Ensuring the latest version is time-consuming.
  • Challenges existed in communication between designers and production.
  • There was a possibility of errors in the data flow.
  • Change management was time-consuming.
  • There was a need for effective product life cycle management.


  • The Sovelia Core product information management system was optimised to suit Dekati's operations.
  • Secure storage and editing of design documentation.
  • Intelligent and scalable management and editing of product and delivery structures.


  • Time and effort are saved when all product information is displayed in one system
  • The risk of human errors is reduced
  • Designers' working time freed up for actual design work
  • Review and approval of plans made easier
  • Information available via the web interface for mobile devices
  • Plans can also be viewed automatically as 3D models
  • Product documents are easily accessible when all product information is stored in the same place
  • History of orders accurately stored in one place and easily accessible

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