Sales Automation

Automate your data flow from sales to production

How can you offer customers greater choice at lower costs?

The market and customer demands of a modern operating environment force companies to focus on cutting costs while raising margins and increasing productivity.

One approach is to standardise and consolidate your designs in order to provide more choice in a clearer format. You may also want to manage your own product options and visualise the offering.

Symetri’s Sales Configuration and Configure-to-Price Quote solutions provide support for building order-specific product configurations and pricing and expanding the technical structure into ‘sales language’. It also allows you to receive instant quotes, drawings and 3D design data to provide to your customers’ own projects.

The sales configurator from Symetri supports your company’s sales-to-production process by allowing you to gain a competitive edge. The sales process adapts to the customer’s needs and gives self-educated customers an incentive to engage with the company.

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Alternatively call 0345 370 1444